By María Luisa Paúl – May 25, 2023 Shaq Served In FTX Suit At NBA Playoff Game In Former FTX Arena Shaquille O’Neal is over 7 feet tall and appears on TV frequently. But the former NBA star was hard to locate — at least for the more than two […]
photo illustrations BY CAM POLLACK/THE WALL STREET JOURNAL; AP (3), GETTY IMAGES (2), ZUMA PRESS By Joseph De Avila – May 17, 2023 Shaquille O’Neal, the 7-foot-1-inch NBA Hall of Famer turned actor, sports analyst and entertainer, is all over TV and has millions of social-media followers. He is one of […]
Let’s first start with the terms. Blockchain is the technology that enables the existence of cryptocurrency. The best known cryptocurrency is referred to as Bitcoin. Bitcoin is the one for which blockchain technology, as is currently known, was created. Cryptocurrency is a medium of exchange, such as the U.S. dollar, […]
At Sunset Blvd. Investigations we receive many calls throughout the year from victims of Social Security scams. Per the Federal Trade Commission, American consumers lost $375 million to scammers impersonating government officials in 2021. These scams were perpetrated via email, phone, letters, and text messages. These fraudsters will go as […]
LinkedIn states it currently has more than 875 million members on its platform. January 1, 2023 through June 30, 2023 more than 21 million fake accounts have been detected and removed from LinkedIn, according to the company’s community report. According to LinkedIn, while 95.3% of those fake accounts were halted at […]