Sunset Blvd. Investigations, Inc. Serves Malicious Prosecution Lawsuit
SBI’s Employees Personally Served Federal Subpoena in Men’s Restroom
When Michael Egan filed sex abuse lawsuits against Bryan Singer, David Neuman, Garth Ancier, and Gary Goddard, he and his attorney, Jeff Herman, announced said filings during a standing-room-only press conference. However, the cases began to implode due to questions regarding Egan’s credibility problems. In retaliation of said false accusations, one of the defendants, Garth Ancier, filed a malicious prosecution action against Egan and Herman. Upon receiving said action, Herman stepped down as Egan’s legal counsel.
When an individual wishes to file an action, they must serve a hardcopy to the defendant. Ancier was having a difficult time serving Egan with the malicious prosecution action, as he was avoiding process servers and private investigator for more than five weeks. However, on Friday, August 1, 2014, the investigators from Sunset Blvd. Investigations, Inc. found Egan and served him the action in a less-than-ideal place—the men’s restroom in a shady Las Vegas casino. The venue was similar to the locations where Egan claimed the sex abuse parties in Hawaii and Los Angeles had taken place between the years 1997-1999.
How the Cases Fell Apart
When Egan’s sworn statements from 2003 were discovered, it claimed he had never been to Hawaii and no other individuals other than those who lived in the Los Angeles mansion where the sex abuse parties had occurred had actually sexually molested him. Egan even had signed statements the same year stating he never had sexual contact with David Neuman. This did not deter him from filing a lawsuit against Neuman in April, 2014, as well as against Singer, Ancier, and Goddard.
After the defendants denied said allegations and filed evidence to further prove they had not been involved in the sex abuse party that had allegedly taken place in Hawaii, Egan then withdrew most of the cases. One month after assisting Egan file suits against said men, Herman filed suit against Singer and Goddard on behalf of another, separate plaintiff—an anonymous British actor. Last week, said actor dismissed Singer from the lawsuit. His suit was filed in advance of the May 23 release date of the most recent X-Men film, Days of Future’s Past, and caused Singer to withdraw from the film’s press tour.
When contacted, Herman did not respond to The Hollywood Reporter’s request for comment. Since then, he has retained legal counsel and on Thursday, filed a statement denying allegations mentioned in Ancier’s malicious prosecution lawsuit.
We Specialize in Hard-to-Serve People
At Sunset Blvd. Investigations, Inc. our team specializes in serving individuals who have been otherwise difficult to locate in order to serve subpoenas. If other investigation teams have failed to locate the individual or individuals you wish to subpoena, give our office a call today. Our team has more than 64 years of experience and our founders are licensed by the State of California Bureau of Security and Investigative Services. Do not give up on your subpoena—contact SBI now to learn how we can help you.
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