Uploading photos on Social Networking Sites (SNS) can expose one’s location and/or home address. A person must be cautious, especially on sites such as Instagram because they could be exposing themselves to predators or persons with ill-intentions. This usually isn’t the case, but it can be very dangerous. Private Investigators […]
As Private Investigators at SBI we receive calls daily asking if deleted text messages and photographs are truly gone once deleted from a smartphone. The answer is, “No.” Here’s how it works. As a text message is deleted from your cell phone, you’re essentially telling your phone not to show […]
As Private Investigators at Sunset Blvd. Investigations (SBI) we receive numerous requests for asset investigations for a variety of reasons, including ongoing litigation leverage during the course of negotiations, divorce concerns or simply to see if a civil case is worth pursuing. More often than not, private investigators do not […]
SBI’s, Steve Polak and Randy Petee were the investigative team for Dr. Ronald Cunning. Though the process has been long and complicated, Dr. Ronald Cunning successfully obtained a $3.2 million judgment against the man who defrauded him. In 1994, Dr. Cunning became a victim of fraud. He decided to take […]
SBI’s Employees Personally Served Federal Subpoena in Men’s Restroom When Michael Egan filed sex abuse lawsuits against Bryan Singer, David Neuman, Garth Ancier, and Gary Goddard, he and his attorney, Jeff Herman, announced said filings during a standing-room-only press conference. However, the cases began to implode due to questions regarding […]